What Happens When You Step on Hot Lava? (VIDEO)

In Nerd Alert on YouTube by Hlarson2 Comments


…not what movies have led you to believe, that’s for sure! Alex Rivest posted the video that you should DEFINITELY NOT TRY TO RECREATE. But the effect of shoe-on-lava is a little unexpected, to say the lest. Why does it work out this way? Kim Horcher, Tim Frisch, and Brian Walton (Editor in Chief, Nerdist.com) discuss!

Read more: http://geekologie.com/2014/12/good-to…

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  1. This story is ridiculous on so many levels. Why don’t I make a video of me tapping my foot on the surface of a water lake to prove that I won’t sink? All three of these reporters have lost their credibility in my eyes and should lose their jobs. Lava can range in viscosity. (I wonder if these “nerds” even know what that word means.) This video was likely shot at Kilauea volcano in Hawaii where the viscosity is relatively low. Of course you would eventually sink if you would actually step into this pool of lava. By the way, I am an actual volcanologist who has spent a significant amount of time at this volcano. Anyone with common sense though should realize how insanely unprofessional this reporting is.

  2. Of course you’d sink into molten lava if it was deep enough, and you stepped onto it. This video proves nothing. The guy TAPPED his foot onto the surface of the lava. He didn’t step ONTO it! Sure it sprung back a little because there was a slight outer crust to the lava being cooled by the air, but that is not the same as stepping onto a lava flow with your full weight. That slight outer crust would have given way if someone stepped onto it with their whole body weight. They would have fallen in as deep as the lava was beneath it and been burned up as far as they fell. It doesn’t take a volcanologist to figure that out. For a panel of supposed nerds, I’m surprised they couldn’t figure that out.

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