“First Amendment ONLY for Christians,” Says Alabama Chief Justice

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson9 Comments


“Speaking at the Pastor for Life Luncheon, which was sponsored by Pro-Life Mississippi, Chief Justice Roy Moore of the Alabama Supreme Court declared that the First Amendment only applies to Christians because ‘Buddha didn’t create us, Mohammed didn’t create us, it was the God of the Holy Scriptures’ who created us.

“‘They didn’t bring the Koran over on the pilgrim ship,’ he continued. ‘Let’s get real, let’s go back and learn our history. Let’s stop playing games.’

“He then noted that he loves talking to lawyers, because he is a lawyer who went to ‘a secular law school,’ so he knows that ‘in the law, [talking about God] just isn’t politically correct.’ He claimed that this is why America has ‘lost its way,’ and that he would be publishing a pamphlet ‘this week, maybe next’ that contained copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, thereby proving that all the people ‘who found this nation — black, white, all people, all religions, all faiths’ knew that America was ‘about God.'”

Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Ben Mankiewicz and Michael Shure discuss the separation of Church and State and the First Amendment in light of Roy Moore’s faulty theology and history.

For more, read the RawStory piece by Scott Kaufman here: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2014/05/02/alabamas-chief-justice-buddha-didnt-create-us-so-first-amendment-only-protects-christians/


  1. I ask myself how people this unbelievably stupid can get into office, then I remember… oh yeah. The voters.

    I don’t know if this clown was elected or appointed, but even if it was far removed from the actual person on the street, they’re still basically responsible as they elected whomever appointed this buffoon.

  2. Ever since his Ten Commandments dust-up, I knew he was wholly unqualified to hold a judicial position and he just keeps proving that every time he opens his mouth. In the bubble of his worldview, all Americans are free so long as they share his viewpoint. Otherwise, you’re S.O.L.

  3. If only we could somehow harness the energy of our country’s founders spinning in their graves … we would never again have to worry about running out of fossil fuels.

  4. The new testament did not exist in 1492…..Who was Lancelot Andrewes…And/ or Desiderius Erasmus?… They are the the two persons most responsible for the Christian bible as we know it to be……They created the veruses and combined the so-called old testament with the new testament so-called..Etc.Etc/

  5. This is so incredibly terrifying. I keep trying to write this off as the words of a mad man, but the fact that he holds such a high position of power scares me to my core. Especially with the fact that he’s got the attitude of a 15-year-old bully.

  6. He’s crazy, and he’s wrong. The founders clearly believed that ALL people have the right to freedom of speech.

    Of course, they didn’t consider people having sex at a museum part of an “art” exhibit. I mean, have all the sex you want but don’t call it art if anyone can do it.

    But anyway, he’s nuts.

    Then again so are many of the people who disagree with him.

    People who think the Lord’s prayer must not be in schools because the parents of one kid in a class of 30 might be offended… well, they’re nuts too.

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