What The Bible Really Says About Gay People

In YouTube Posts by Hlarson2 Comments


*Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) told a crowd in Iowa on Tuesday that he’s just “on the right side of the Bible” in opposing gay marriage, “not homophobic.” Delivering the keynote address to the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition, Huckabee said he didn’t “care what people do personally in their individual lives,” according to CNN…* What does The Bible say about lesbians? Steve Oh (TYT COO), comedian Jimmy Dore, Malcolm Fleschner (producer, The Point), and Jackie Koppell break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from Catherine Thompson at TPM: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/mike-huckabee-im-not-homophobic


  1. Pingback: Religious Oppression and Ridiculous Actions | Evangelically Atheist

  2. As much as I enjoy your commentary of the inane Christian spoutings, I think this show would have much more gravitas if it had a real theologian on the panel. I am quite convinced there are plenty well spoken “go to” ministers out there that would love to soundly put this fanaticism to rest or do an epic slap down of these bloated chested “people of Jesus”. Most of the clergy I have encountered do share your point of view.
    I’m sorry but when it comes to religion this show for the most part just sounds as reactionary as Fox news or politicians like Mike Huckabee.

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