Oregon Wildlife Refuge Standoff Ends: Militia Surrenders, Cliven Bundy Arrested

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


The armed militia that took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuges in Oregon has FINALLY surrendered. Cliven Bundy decided he would head to the refuge to support the militia and was promptly arrested. Cenk Uygur, host of The Young Turks breaks down the details of the surrender and Cliven Bundy’s arrest. What do you think the punishment should be for the armed militia that took over the wildlife refuge? Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Read more here: http://www.theatlantic.com/national/a…

“The armed militia takeover of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is over: The final holdout at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge turned himself in to the FBI after earlier saying he will “die a free man.”

David Fry walked out of the refuge and into custody, ending the standoff 41 days after it began. He gave himself up after calling on people to say Hallelujah.

“I heard hallelujahs from the SWAT team. I heard hallelujahs in unison from an entire building that was watching that, hoping to God they could get everybody out alive,” Dave Ward, the sheriff of Harney County, said later.

Fry was the lone holdout for part of Thursday after his three companions surrendered to the FBI earlier. Speaking via telephone to his supporters, in a conversation that was broadcast online, Fry appeared to be disturbed over a variety of issues, including the federal government, UFOs, and marijuana. And, he said, he will not leave.”*


  1. They took over a federal building armed, conspired to create anarchy in the name of patriotism, and threatened to murder any who got in their way. They are the definition of terrorists, although perhaps not the “right-wing” version (Muslim). Regardless of which definition they are put under by the corrupt justice system we have, their actions alone should land them all in prison for life.

    I do have a question in regards to felony murder, though. As Cenk described it, any murder taken place during an incident could land a life sentence on every person involved, whether they had a hand in the murder or not. My question is if this can apply to organized crime as a whole, since the entire incident can be traced back to the initial crime of capturing that federal building and threatening to kill any and all FBI or police that get in their way. Couldn’t that be seen as a catalyst for all of the subsequent events that occurred?

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