What Exactly Are Confederate Flag-Lovers Defending?

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson3 Comments


“The Weekly Standard founder Bill Kristol got into a heated debate with other panelists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe over Amazon, eBay, and other companies’ decisions to stop selling Confederate flags.

Kristol noted off the bat that he had been a public opponent of flying the Confederate flag over the South Carolina State House since 2000. But, he argued, “the left’s used what happened in Charleston to push their agenda. Do we think Amazon and Walmart should not sell memorabilia of the Confederacy?”

“Well you ask them, because they’re the ones who put out that they’re not going to,” host Mika Brzezinski put in.”

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Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola (Think Tank) of the Young Turks break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

The Young Turks June 24, 2015 Hour 1

What Exactly Are Confederate Flag-Lovers Defending?

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  1. People cannot change History, no matter how hard you try. All flags for both the Union and Confederacy are part of that history. When I hear people like you talking as you do, it is quite sad to know that you have missed the point that people are making when they defend the Confederate battle flag and you are articulating dislike for the confederacy and the fact that confederates elected to defend their way of life. Although black people were mistreated, it is argued by many scholars that the industrialized North mistreated children much worse than the Southern plantation owners mistreated the Blacks. “In 1842 Connecticut and Massachusetts limited the work of children in textile factories to ten hours a day. Pennsylvania in 1848 outlawed the hiring of children under 12 in the mills.” The first official child labor census did not occur until 1870, which showed 750,000 children working in factories. In effect the Northern industrial states and cities used child slaves and Southern plantations used black slaves. As we all know, neither are good, but this is all part of our history. Clearly you blame the Confederate flag for the 200 year history of black slaves. Who do you blame for the 200 year history of child slaves for industry and whose flag do we ban?

    1. Did it take a war to “free the children?” Or did those states recognize their immoral ways and fix it? Did CT or MA leave the Union because of pressure to stop children from working. Were black children forced to work in the South? Were white children paid by their families or neighbors for their work in the fields?

      1. This was not the point of the child labor statement, the point was that this is part of American History that was not one of our shining moments. Relative to slavery, only 26.3% of the Confederate families owned slaves in 1860, resulting in over 73% NOT owning slaves. The truth about child labor is that children did not have any alternatives and did not have a voice. The facts are that there was no war to free the children from this abuse and it got worse. By 1890 there were over 1M child laborers under 15 and by 1910 over 2M child laborers. Some laws to help the children were declared un-constitutional in 1918, and it was not until the Great Depression of the 1930’s that finally got the problem under control (73 years after the Civil War). And what is our symbol of outrage for this? These are all facts and history of the United States no matter what we say — History is History.

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