Racist Half Naked Dance Gets Princeton Club In Trouble [Video]

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson1 Comment


“Urban Congo’s president apologized on Sunday and announced he would disband on Monday amid criticism from other students and people on social media.

One of the videos, which was taken down by the group but recorded and reposted to YouTube, shows Urban Congo’s members – most, if not all, of whom appear to be white males – with painted streaks on their faces and bodies, wearing loincloths, and banging on objects while chanting.” *

Cenk Uygur (http://www.twitter.com/cenkuygur) and Ana Kasparian (http://www.twitter.com/AnaKasparian) discuss.

*Read more here http://www.buzzfeed.com/tasneemnashrulla/princetons-urban-congo-group-disbanded-after-allegations-of#.byDlNZa12P


  1. How do they, Cenk and Ana, perceive e.g. the Blue Man Group, whose performances DO have elements of mockery of certain cultural elements. Is it just that BMG is so much better than that sophomoric Princeton group?

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