Yoga Pants = Rape Me Says Extreme Slut-Shaming Pastor

In The Young Turks on YouTube by Hlarson3 Comments


“In August of last year, campus preacher Brother Dean Saxton caused outrage after preaching at the University of Arizona and holding a sign that read, “YOU DESERVE RAPE.”

This is typical behavior for Dean, who believes, among other things, that women shouldn’t be allowed to attend university, that feminism is evil, and that immodestly dressed women are asking to be raped.””* Ana Kasparian, Dave Rubin (The Rubin Report) and Jimmy Dore (The Jimmy Dore Show) break it down on The Young Turks.

*Read more here from Vice:


  1. Have these assholes never heard of beating off? Ok, sure, sometimes the yoga pants accentuate a particularly nice derriere. So go home and spank the monkey, choke the chicken, whatever, but leave the nice lady alone.

  2. Pingback: Huff-Po writer horrified at Supreme Court prayer ruling – Black Helicopter Seize Larry Klayman and Bryan Fischer!!! | Dummidumbwit's Weblog

  3. Target stopped donating to anti gay politicians years ago. (they actually stopped donating to any political organizations.)

    They have a 100% rating by the HRC now.

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